Every organization, be it small or large and be it ‘for-profit’ or ‘not-for-profit’, wants
to outperform its competitors through maintaining sustained success in the relevant
industry. Human resource acts as a catalyst in achieving such a unique status in the
industry. Once an organization becomes complacent with its performance and stops
moving on a road to continuous improvement, it begins to decline. Main factors
responsible for downfall of an organization are either lack of commitment or
nonconformity to established standards procedures. Organizations operate through
well organized and universally agreed upon systems, one amongst those systems is
the Performance Management System (PMS). The research under review explores
and studies the existing PMS of the two commercial banking sectors (Pakistani and
Foreign) operating in Karachi and then draws a comparison of the two sectors to
identify strengths and weaknesses of their respective PMS. In order to ensure
coverage of the entire population of the two banking sectors, eight banks (four from
each sector), of the banking industry were chosen. Another salient aim of the research
has been to recommend a solid methodology to the banking sectors for achieving
sustainable economic stimulation through PMS, HRD and employees Compensation.
It is suggested to develop Human Resources at the national level in general and in
financial institutions in particular, through effective Performance Management
System practices.
Banking industry is presently facing a hyper turbulent situation where banks have to
operate in increasingly competitive and complex local and global markets. The ability
to compete, in the fast paced global environment, is of paramount importance –
survival of the fittest being the name of the game. The competition has even become
xivquite tough and challenging, especially due to globalization, with the entry of many
foreign world-class banks and other financial institutions.
The central idea behind the research was to identify reasons for failure of our
domestic banking sector to successfully compete in the prevailing challenging
competitive environment. To cover various aspects of performance management, a
sample of 400 managers (50 from each of the eight selected banks of the two sectors)
was considered for the purpose of data collection. Since all the banks under study are
located at Karachi, face to face interaction was also possible in most of the cases, in
addition to other methods available for the purpose. A questionnaire, comprising 50
questions, was prepared to ensure that all areas of PMS, HRD and compensation
system were thoroughly covered. Having collected the relevant data, through survey
and interviews, a comprehensive analysis was carried out, by comparing the PMS
practices being followed in the banks with those given in the world renowned PMS
models and literature review. Extensive use of SPSS software was made to formulate
statistical presentation of the analysis results.
The consolidated analysis has indicated that there is a lack of clear understanding
amongst many managers about PMS at macro level. They think that, perhaps, PMS is
meant to just enhance employees’ salary and take other administrative actions. They
don’t consider PMS as a complete system to enhance overall organization’s
performance; neither can they link it with employee development and overall
compensation system. It was found that, although most of the banks are trying to
implement the PMS along with HR development and its related programs of HRD
and Compensation, there was still a lot of room for improvement. In case of Pakistani
xvbanks, impact of local culture is quite prominent, and managers make many short-cuts
while evaluating the employees’ performance. As a result of analysis, some
recommendations have been made for better planning and implementation of the PMS
in the banking industry. It is strongly hoped that, through effective use of PMS, the
financial sector can develop its workforce and play its vital role in bringing drastic
improvement in the economy of Pakistan. Apart from proposing different measures to
improve employee performance by effective implementation of the PMS, some
suggestions have also been made for the potential research scholars to facilitate and to
keep the research an ongoing activity.