This study investigates the “effects of cable television on the life patterns of women in
Lahore, Pakistan” through survey using interviews’ schedule as a tool of data collection.
It targeted 432 women aged 18-40 years and viewing cable television for a minimum two
years. The study recorded the respondent’s consumption patterns, level of viewing,
preferred channels and programs,
favorite watching time, control over remote and
restrictions on viewing. It crossed checked the above factors with the level of viewing
alongwith demographic characteristics of the respondents.
The major hypothesis studied was “greater the exposure to cable television greater
the impact on the lives of women.” The sub-hypothesis included ‘heavy viewers have
greater effect on their activities, family and social interaction patterns, cultural practices,
domestic and personal expenditure, and they are more influenced by the television
characters especially depicting western and urban Indian women than the moderate and
light viewers. The data was analyzed through univariate and bivariate statistical
procedures and the results are presented in two categories: i.e. general and major findings
of hypothesis testing.
The general findings revealed that the majority of respondents were aged 31 to 40
years, belonged to the middle and upper middle class, were graduates but unemployed,
and were heavy viewers. Majority respondents had cable connection for the last two
years, indicating increasing popularity of cable television in Lahore, also making it the
main source of entertainment. There is no link between demographic characteristics and
consumption patterns. However, the respondents complained that men had more rights to
watch cable television than women.
The statistical test chi-square was applied for testing the hypothesis, confirming
that ‘greater the exposure to cable television greater the effect on the lives of women’. It
confirmed that heavy viewing affected household and other activities of the women like
newspaper reading, going to cinema, the meals cooking and serving schedule, their
domestic or personal expenditure and interaction with friends or and relatives. They were
prone to accepting the role, culture and lifestyle of western and Indian women watched on
the cable channels. The study also identified a few areas for future researchers and made
recommendations towards their improvement.