Teaching is process linked with cognition. Both teachers and students go through
cognitive process while engaged in learning activity. In Pakistan students learn English up to
graduation but most of the students are unable to write or speak English in correct and proper
way. What is the reason behind this? Is it difficult to learn or there is a fault in our approach
and method of teaching? What are the beliefs that language teachers hold in mind while
teaching? Do their own learning experiences affect their teaching? What type of knowledge
do they have regarding language learning and teaching? These are the questions that the
researcher wants to address in this study. The basic aim of this study was to examine
Language teachers’ beliefs and practices in relation to teaching grammar. Therefore,
following objectives guided the aim of the study.
To examine the background factors that hinder or promote enforcement of beliefs
about teaching and learning English grammar into teaching practices, to investigate teachers’
instructive beliefs about teaching and learning English grammar and to compare the beliefs of
secondary school English language teachers who are categorized with respect to certain
demographic variables such as gender, qualification, local, and experience. The questions
focused in the study were regarding teachers’ beliefs about grammar, relationship between
beliefs and practice, difference between groups on the bases of gender, locale, academic and
professional qualifications and experience. The study used survey method primarily to collect
information from a bigger sample. A questionnaire-based survey was used to easily obtain
information from a large number of participants in order to understand the beliefs of teachers
in the context being studied. Multi stage sampling technique was used for this study. There
are 36 districts in the province of Punjab. 8 districts were selected conveniently. At the
second stage, keeping in view the demographic variables stratified sampling technique was
adopted. In each district 20 schools were selected. 10 were urban and ten from rural area.
Further stratum was made on the basis of gender. So 5 girls schools from urban area and 5
from rural areas were selected. Same selection criterion was applied for boys’ schools. All
English language teachers teaching in selected schools were included in the sample. So it
could be said that at the last stage of sampling census technique was adopted to ensure
validity, reliability and generalizabillity of the results.
The beliefs questionnaire used for the study was adopted. It was first used by
Muhammad (2006) after taking permission from the author of the instrument slight
adaptations were made in instrument. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of TBQ was
0.812. The data were collected from 160 schools from 8 districts from the Punjab province of
Pakistan. All English language teachers teaching at secondary level in randomly selected
schools from these districts were the participants of the study. The data gathered through
questionnaire provided answers to the research questions of the study. After data entry, data
were cleaned and made ready for analysis. The possible responses on each statement of the
TBQ were assigned credence as: “Strongly agree” 5, “Agree” 4, “Neutral” 3, “Disagree” 2
and “Strongly disagree” 1. For data analysis through computer, data was re-coded and
entered in SPSS 16.0 grid sheet. Conclusion could be made on the bases of results that no
significant difference was found between groups belonging to both genders, locales, age,
experience academic and professional qualification. Based on the findings of the study, it
could be concluded that in general, teachers’ beliefs and practices were positively and
significantly correlated. The values of Pearson r for almost all correlation analysis were
positively high.