Requirements elicitation is one of the important and major activities within the Requirements Engineeringphase. There are different techniques used for requirement elicitation process. Selection of anyrequirements elicitation technique depends on complexity, size, time and other resources of proposedsoftware project. Selection of suitable technique for requirements elicitation is not a trivial process andif it is done properly then it can reduce time, budget, and risk constraints of system being developed.Sometimes researchers have found a gap between theory and practice that is gap between literature andindustry practices. Therefore, goal of this paper is to find out the gap between literature and industrypractice about requirements elicitation practices in PSI (Pakistani Software Industry). This paper showsthe usage and impact of prototyping technique of requirements elicitation on product quality in Pakistanisoftware companies. 29 Software companies following prototyping technique practice were surveyedusing questionnaire, to investigate about usage of prototyping technique of requirements elicitation inindustry, and impact of prototyping technique of requirements elicitation on product quality in term ofschedule, cost and the customer Satisfaction. The appropriate practice of prototyping technique ofrequirements elicitation can reduce the project failure rate in PSI.