Organizations are moving their workforce to guarantee matters of trade and profit where accounts areexpected to be less expensive and provide better quality products with the accessibility of skilled labor.With the evident benefits, distributed teams often face challenges with reliable and efficient communication-coordination patterns that lead towards project failure. In the rapidly growing software industry, itbecomes critical for any business to have better management activities to acquire right processes andpractices. Agile methods are considered as a remedy for mitigating distributed teams’ challenges, withtheir consistent focus on communication. Here, we intend to propose a tailored Scrum based solution fordistributed teams that empowers anticipated communication and coordination throughout the developmentprocess. In the first phase of framework development we have evaluated the state of agile practices fromboth literature and industry; based on collected evidence and suggestive guidelines a scrum based agileframework was formulated. The Scrum is a project management method in Agile Methods family. Scrumis an iterative process that asks for incremental development of the product, includes cross functionaldevelopment and testing teams. Evaluation results show that the proposed framework contributes positivelyto improve development process quality. We have performed theoretical as well as empirical evaluation tovalidate proposed framework. We have eight project managing rising aspects in DSD (Distributed SoftwareDevelopment) to evaluate the proposed framework.