dc.description.abstract |
The tribe Triticeae includes three important cereals namely wheat, rye and
barley and their wild relatives. Available wheat cultivars have limited genetic variability
for resistance to insects, pests and diseases. They also lack tolerance to salinity, drought
and other abiotic stresses. In the light og growing evidence of the limited and narrowing
genetic pool of advanced wheal cultivars, research on the genetic resources of wild
relatives of cultivated wheats becomes increasingly important.
Present studies were undertaken with aim
evaluate variability of
isoperoxidases and isoainylascs in different tissues of cultivated wheat and its related
species. Determination of the chromosomal locations of genes controlling these
isozymes was also carried out. The ultimate aim of the studies was to establish
biochemical marker(s) characterizing genetic resistance.
Current work is an indicative of homology of isoperoxidases and isoamylases at
various ploidy levels of wild and cultivated wheats and their relatives. However,
differences in relative mobility and absence or presence of certain bands had been
noticed among hexaploid, tetraploid and diploid wheats and Aegilops. Results revealed
the presence of certain isoperoxidases and isoamylases in Aegilops species which were
absent in most of hexaploid wheal accessions. These isozymes could be used to
differentiate species of Triticum.
Comparison of hexaploid wheat isozymes with progenitors exhibited the
presence of certain common bands between diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species
which is an indicative of the contrioution of
the respective genomes to hexaploid
Appearance of bands at similar sites in synthetic hexaploid wheat as of ‘CS’
strengthen the evidence about ibe origin of their genome. Variation observed for few
bandsbeiwccn natural wheats and synthetic wheat exploited for the improvement of
bread wheat.
Amphiploid T. aeslivuni - Ae.
exhibited the qualitative pattern of both
parents, however, specific band of Ae. ovata had also been noticed.
Aneuploid lines of T. aesiivum L. cv. ‘Chinese Spring’ alongwith its disomic
control (2n = 6x=42; AABBDD) were utilized
locate the genes for leaf and root
isoperoxidases and isoainylases. Analysis of available nullisomic-tetrasomic lines for
chromosomes of group I to 7 of the three genomes in different combinations implicated
the involvement of IAS, IBS, 6BL, 7AS, 7AL and 7DS in the synthesis of leaf
peroxidases. Homeologous chromosomes 6BS, 6DS and 7AL, 7DL are responsible for
the synthesis of root isopcroxidasc.
Present studies, by using CS/rye additional lines revealed that grain
isoperoxidases of rye are related to chromosome 1 and 7 whereas root peroxidases
showed the presence of rye bands cn additional line carrying chromosome 2R and 6R.
The zymogram of grain peroxidase of barley indicated the involvement of
chromosome 2H. 5H and 6H in the synthesis of grain peroxidases. As far as root
peroxidases are concerned results showed the involvement of 2H and 7H. The
localization of genes for leaf and root peroxidases on group 1, 6 and 7 genome of wheat
and 1R, 6R and 7R of rye is an evidence of homeology between wheat and rye
Zymogram analysis of nullisomic, tetrasomic and ditelosomic aneuploid
genotypes of wheat cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ indicated the possible location for the
synthesis of leaf isoamylases on 6DS, 7AL and 7DL. Results of root isoamylases
demonstrated the involvement of chromosomes IBS, 6BS, 6BL, 6DS and 6DL in the
synthesis. The banding profile of CS/rye additional lines suggested the location of genes
for leaf amylases on IR, 2R, 3R, 6R and 7P in three different tissues of rye.
The studies on CS/barley addition lines exhibited the involvement of 2H, 7H
and 5H chromosomes in the synthesis of grain and root amylases respectively.
Isoperoxidase patterns of flag leaves have been investigated in diploid, tetraploid
and hexaploid wheats and seventeen species of Aegilops. Most of Aegilops species had
been screened previously for resistance against karnal bunt (Tilletia indied). Several
were highly resistant to the pathogen. T. aestivum lacks genetic resistance.
The study was further extended to establish biochemical marker(s) characterizing
genetic resistance. In all 44 isozymes were determined, many of them were common in
wild and cultivated species. Species of marker specificity belonged to Ae. cylindrica,
Ae. ovata, Ae. biuncialis, Ae. crass a. Ae. juvenalis, Ae. vavilovi and Ae. triaristata.
The present investigation
highlights the peroxidase isozyme variation and
practical diagnostic usage of isoperoxidases in wheat improvement. |
en_US |