Reservoir rule curves are necessary guidelines for both flood and drought control in operating multipurpose
reservoirs. As sure storage enough water for next dry season controlling by rule curves with the maximum storage at the
end of rainy season. This study applied the conditional genetic algorithm and reservoir simulation model to improve
reservoir rule cures for storing the highest capacity at the end of rainy season. Historic inflow data and future inflow data
under a climate change scenario were used in searching procedure. Three large reservoirs in the northeast region of
Thailand were considered for this study-Ubolrat reservoir, Lampao reservoir and Nam Oon reservoir. The future inflow
and the synthetic inflow were used to evaluate the efficiency of the newly obtained rule curves. The situations of water
shortage and excess water as well as the stored water at the end of the wet season were used for describing the
performance. The results showed that the optimal rule curves with objective function of maximum storage at the end of wet
season can provide more stored water at the end of wet season than when other rule curves are used.The obtained rule
curves can control the maximum storage at the end of rainy season and mitigate situations of water shortage and water
excess better than the current rule curves.