Public Transport Passengers in Bogor City, commonly called Angkot, is one of the means of transportation used
to serve community activities in the city of Bogor. Based on the decision of the determination of passenger route passenger
trajectory in Bogor route network, there are 30 routes for passenger services, there are 3 routes serving strategic locations
such as some public facilities such as: 06 pass through Pakuan University , 07 passes Merdeka Market, 11 pass through
Baranangsiang Terminal. Therefore, these three routes must be re-evaluated in order to meet the minimum service
standards (SPM) Bogor City. Based on the evaluation result using technical guidance of public transportation in urban
areas in fixed and regular route for determination of city transportation fleet and SK Dirjen 687/2002 and parameters of
Word Bank standard obtained public transportation performance in bogor city, especially route 06 (Ramayana - Ciheuleut),
07 (Terminal Merdeka-Ciparigi) and 11 (Pajajaran Indah - Pasar Bogor) are still below the established SPM and the
number of public transport route 06 is reduced while 07 and 11 are added to close to the average number of vehicles
operating daily.